Richard Corrigan

Richard CorriganWhat was the last London restaurant you went to, apart from your own?
I like to head down to St John for some devilled kidney on toast and to see what Fergus is up to.

Which London restaurant is your favourite and why?
Angela Hartnett’s Murano is one of the best Italian restaurants in London. The food is understated, she respects the ingredients she works with and it’s always faultless.

What or who has been the biggest influence on the way you cook and why?
I’d have to say growing up on the farm in Ireland has been my biggest influence- watching my Mum cook fresh bread each day and setting traps with my Dad.

What is your personal signature dish?
At Corrigan’s it’s got to be the Grouse Pie; layers of grouse, foie gras and wild mushrooms encased in pastry.

Which other chef(s) do you most admire?
I recently went to the Pipe and Glass in Yorkshire, James Mackenzie and his wife Kate have got a beautiful restaurant up there.

What’s the best part of your job?
The adrenaline rush I get from a busy night in the kitchen.

And the worst?
Not getting to spend enough time with my family.

What would your last meal be?
Roast chicken with lemon stuffing and olive oil mash.

Do you have a chef’s shortcut that you can share with us?
Not a shortcut as such- but some sound advice; buy good quality knives and keep them sharp.