Mark Birchall – Chef Profile

How long have you been at the restaurant?

Since the very beginning. We acquired the site in 2015 and opened our doors in 2017.

Which was the first restaurant you worked in?

Bay Horse in Adlington – as a KP.

What was the last London restaurant you went to, apart from your own?

Studio Frantzén.

What or who has been the biggest influence on the way you cook and why?

Everyone I’ve ever worked for has influenced my cooking style in some manner, and of course my dishes are inspired by our surroundings here in West Lancashire and the local produce available. Having developed a relationship with each gardener, grower and farmer, I seek out the best possible produce available and everything else stems from that.

What is your personal signature dish?

I have a couple, our menu is a combination of Moor Hall classics, which are constantly evolving alongside new dishes. What I would call my signature dishes are both the carrot dish and the beef. Those are recipes I’ve developed and evolved over the years – those are Moor Hall classics.
Paris Market Carrots with Doddington, Chrysanthemum and Sea Buckthorn or Gaisgill Farm Galloway Beef with barbecued Pablo Beetroot, Mustard and Shallot.

What’s the best part of your job?

New produce arriving, seeing what’s growing in our kitchen garden and how we can elevate that ingredient. Working with amazing local growers, artisans, and producers. Working with an incredible team, who are in my opinion, world-class – top of their game. It’s a really exciting place to work.

And the worst?

Honestly, nothing. I am extremely lucky to have a job I love.

What would your last meal be?

Either a really good Thai green curry or steak with Bearnaise sauce & chips and finished with cheese.